Thursday, September 8, 2011

Wow.... Five days to go!

It is hard to believe that in five days I am leaving for this long planned journey.  I have been reading, thinking,  emailing back & forth with friends in Europe, and trying to get everything organized for this trip ...........and now the departure day is less than a week away.  I believe I have everything necessary and ready to go, but as long as I have my new MacBook Air and trusty Nikon D200 camera, I am all set for the five week trip.  My mind is spinning in many directions as I think about all the places I will visit and experiences I will have as I travel from Switzerland to the Oktoberfest,  the Black Forest, Rhine ValleyTeutoburger Wald in Germany, and then on to Amsterdam, Belgium and Paris.  Be sure to check back regularly to see updates and photos after I depart on Tuesday.


  1. So excited for you!! You've been planning a LONG time!

  2. have fun mr sloane! ill be checking here for updates..

    -ben a

  3. Handle me. The blogs and the pictures are great. Second best to being there. You deserve it. Have you run into FD yet? He is in europe looking for you.
    Keep the pictures and dialog coming! I'll be viewing!
